One morning, Remy’s family found her collapsed in the woods. She began stumbling the night before, but now she was completely unable to walk. They carried her to the car and brought her to Anicira. Once bloodwork was performed, our doctors discovered that Remy was infected by a tick carrying Lyme disease and anaplasmosis. Left untreated, these diseases are deadly. Remy needed to be hospitalized immediately but her family was worried about the cost of treatment. Without the help of the Banfield Foundation grant, Remy’s owners would not have been able to approve emergency hospitalization and care due to financial constraint. Thankfully, Anicira was able to hospitize Remy and treat her with medications that reduced the infections.



Remy is feeling much better and is back to doing the things she loves: running outside and exploring nature. Her family is thankful for the care Remy was given. “Thank you all for the generosity you have shown, it is appreciated more than I can express.”