Dog who survives wildfire finds new hope
During the devastating wildfire that swept through the Bergton community, Old Man, a handsome senior Labrador, experienced two heartbreaking tragedies at once. The humble woodshed that served as his home burned down. On top of that, Old Man’s family could no longer care for him.
A kind community member took Old Man in and brought him to Anicira. At 12 years old, Old Man’s recent visit to Anicira was the first time he ever received veterinary care.
Old Man was limping, and his new family wanted to ensure he had not sustained any injuries during the fire. After a thorough evaluation, the team found no burns or other injuries; however, Old Man did test positive for Lyme disease.
Because of the generosity of supporters, Anicira provided Old Man with subsidized diagnostics and medication to treat his Lyme disease, alleviate his pain, and set him on the path to a happier, healthier future.