Anicira Spays/Neuters 50 Pets During Namaste Day Event
Anicira spayed/neutered 30 cats and 20 dogs for free on November 9, 2023. Participating pets also received a complimentary Rabies vaccine, Distemper or Combo vaccine, and microchip.
The event was fully funded by the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation’s Namaste Spay and Neuter Initiative which aims to enhance the well-being of our beloved companions, reduce overcrowded animal shelters, and prevent unnecessary euthanasia through spay/neuter surgery. Participating pets will undergo spay/neuter procedures, receive a microchip, and rabies and combo vaccines, at no cost.
“We are grateful for the privilege to participate in Namaste Day, generously sponsored by the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation,” said Cate Lemmond, President and CEO of Anicira. “By offering free spay/neuter surgeries, we are actively addressing the rising population of homeless cats and dogs, underscoring our commitment to enhancing the overall health and well-being of the pets in our community”
Our community will feel the benefits of this event for years to come. As a direct result, there will be fewer homeless pets entering local shelters and rescue organizations. Additionally, the pets helped today will go on to live happier and healthier lives.